Terms & Conditions - Network Access AAWH

You agree to comply with all terms and conditions (T&C) herein, in addition to all Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, Inc. (AAWH) administrative and security policies and procedures. If you do not agree to the T&C, you cannot access or use AAWH resources associated with such access. AAWH grants you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to use authorized AAWH-provided computers and related software and systems, as well as access to AAWH’s network and related applications (collectively AAWH Network) solely to conduct business with AAWH. AAWH may assign to you certain account and/or log-in credentials. The credentials and all other information/materials of which you may become aware due to your interactions with AAWH, including trade secrets, computer software, user interfaces, designs, concepts, technical knowledge, business strategies, pricing, customer lists, research/development activities and all other information of a technological, strategic, financial, or business nature and/or any other non-public data or information is Confidential Information of AAWH (collectively CI). You shall not use CI for any purpose other than conducting business with AAWH. You shall not disclose or distribute any CI to a third party without prior written consent of AAWH. AAWH may terminate your access to the AAWH Network at any time. You agree that AAWH and its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors and employees (AAWH Parties) shall not be liable for any indirect, consequential, incidental, punitive or exemplary damages arising from use of the AAWH Network. Your sole and exclusive remedy for any dispute with AAWH Parties is to discontinue your use of the AAWH Network. Your access to the AAWH Network is provided AS IS, without warranties of any kind, and AAWH hereby disclaims all warranties.

To indicate your agreement to the T&C and to continue to access the AAWH Network, provide the information requested below and click the OK box below.

First Name: Last Name:
Email: Vendor Name:
Department: Station Code:
Accept Terms & Conditions